


Amended - February 21, 2019

ARTICLE 1     Organizational Name

The name of the organization shall be Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition (PCDRC)


ARTICLE 2      Purpose                          

Section 1.     The PCDRC sets forth these Bylaws to establish and maintain a network within and

                       on behalf of the faith-based, non-profit, governmental, business, volunteers, and

                       other organizations and agencies to coordinate disaster recovery

                       efforts to the residents of Pamlico County, North Carolina, affected by disasters, by

                       facilitating collaborative resource efforts among public, private, interfaith, and  

                       voluntary organizations and agencies


Section 2.     The Mission of the Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition is to strengthen

                      area wide disaster coordination through information sharing, simplifying the access

                      to available resources for individuals and families, and together resolving unmet

                     needs cases to the best of our abilities.


Section 3.     PCDRC may provide coordinated management of the long-term recovery process

                      to residents of Pamlico County, and provide additional long-term assistance to

                      individuals affected by disasters who do not have adequate personal resources for

                      basic needs as a result of disasters.


Section 4.     PCDRC will attempt to provide spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial    

                       resources to those affected by the disaster to the best of our abilities, regardless

                       of race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religious



 ARTICLE 3   Structure


The PCDRC will consist of an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 4    Executive Committee


Section 1.     The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Officers and each Standing

                      Committee Chair.  The Executive Committee shall provide supervision and direction

                      of PCDRC’s operational matters.



Section 2.   Except as otherwise required by law or these Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall

                     have full authority of the Board in the management of the PCDRC during such times

                     as the Board is not meeting and may authorize contracts and agreements as

                     required.  The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of its proceedings and shall

                     report back to the Board at regular meetings or more often if appropriate.


Section 3.    The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or Vice-Chair to

                      perform such actions related to administrative and operational overview of the

                      affairs of PCDRC, including but not limited to:


                      1.  Engaging and executing contracts, agreements, and policies.

                      2.  Hiring, evaluating, and terminating staff, whether compensated or volunteer.

                      3.  Public relations and communication.

                      4.  Financial controls, accountability, audits, and reports.


Section 4.     A simple majority of the executive committee must be present to conduct




ARTICLE 5    Board of Directors and Officers


Number of Members:  The number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall consist of a director representing the interests of people in as many communities in Pamlico County as possible.  The number shall include the PCDRC Executive Committee.

Term:   The term for each board member shall be as long as he/she is willing to continue taking an active part in representing their community, the functions of the PCDRC, and decisions made during board meetings or he/she may end their term by letter of resignation.


These officers shall be elected from the Board of Directors of the PCDRC:


                     1.  A Chair who shall preside over the meetings, be the Chief Executive Officer of the

                          Coalition, and perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Executive  



                     2.  A Vice-Chair who shall preside over the meetings in the absence of the Chair, or

                          at other times deemed necessary by the Chair, and perform other functions as

                          deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.


                     3.  A Secretary who shall record and preserve all minutes of PCDRC meetings, and

                          perform other functions as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.  If

                          unable to attend a meeting, the presiding officer shall appoint a secretary pro

                          tem for that meeting.  A voice recorder may be used to assist the secretary in

                          recording accurate minutes.


                     4.  A Treasurer who shall (with the assistance from the PCDRC Fiscal Agent) record                 

                          all monetary donations and make bank deposits.  The Treasurer shall account for

                          all financial matters of the PCDRC by maintaining and confirming all checks, cash,

                          and credit card deposit slips as well as, copies of checks written to disperse funds  

                          and to pay invoices.  The Treasurer shall check bank statements provided by the

                          Fiscal Agent.  The Treasurer and fiscal agent shall provide each other with copies

                          of receipts for all deposits.  A check request form will be signed by the Treasurer

                          and one other Executive Officer and be presented to the Fiscal Agent for release

                          of funds from the PCDRC bank account. A Treasurer's report provided by the

                          Fiscal Agent through email will be verified by the treasurer and presented in a

                          report at each PCDRC meeting.  The Treasurer may perform other functions as

                          deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.


ARTICLE 6     Members


Any individual, organization, or volunteer that has an interest in the mission of the PCDRC may attend the Board of Directors meetings except for a closed session.


ARTICLE 7     Voting


PCDRC Board of Directors in attendance are entitled to make motions and are entitled to one vote.  All motions will be decided upon by a simple majority vote of those board members in attendance where a quorum is present.


ARTICLE 8    Quorum


A quorum for transaction of business shall consist of at least five Board of Directors members.


ARTICLE 9    Meetings


Meetings will be held within an hour time limit as is possible. Meetings will be at least quarterly or as needed at the call of the Chair, Vice-Chair, or two officers.  A minimum of seven days' notice will be given unless a special meeting is necessary.


The Annual Meeting of the PCDRC shall be held in January on the last Thursday of the month  for the purpose of electing Officers and Board of Directors,  and for the transaction of such other business as may come before a meeting.


Special Meetings shall be called by the Chair or any two officers with a minimum of 48 hours notice.  Only business specified in the call for the special meeting shall be conducted.


Closed Session Meetings  may be called by the Chair, Vice-Chair, or two officers at the end of a regularly scheduled meeting, with only the Executive Committee and Board of Directors present, to decide the amount of money spent in any individual household on a case by case basis as presented by the caseworker when possible.   At least 48 hours notice will be given when a closed session is scheduled.


If necessary, a special called e-mail vote shall consist of at least five Board member responses.  In the event of a tie, the Chair shall cast the deciding vote.  A verification email with the decision and a listing of each responding member's vote shall be sent within 24 hours by the Chair, Vice-Chair, or Secretary to all Board members.  A copy of the email request and decision of the board shall be recorded in the Secretary's minutes of the next meeting,


ARTICLE 10   Committees


Section 1.     The PCDRC may create such temporary or permanent committees or

                       subcommittees consist of the Board of Directors or other persons as agreed upon.

                       These shall have such authority as the PCDRC directs.


Section 2.     These proposed committees are considered Standing Committees of PCDRC:


                      1.  Finance Committee:  Donations, Fundraising, and Accounting) - Works to secure

                           grants, donations and other resources for PCDRC and coordinates with other

                           entities (manufacturers, suppliers, etc.) to secure donations and funding.  They

                           are responsible for the financial controls and accounting of PCDRC.


                      2.  Construction Committee:  Oversees the coordination and scheduling of all

                            rebuilding projects for cases approved by the PCDRC process - a project

                            manager function.


 3.  Case Management Committee:  Coordinates Disaster Case Management (DCM)

      activities between participating Disaster Case Managers. Develops a “resource   

      guide” in order to assist other referrals. Holds “Case Reviews” so that Disaster

      Case Managers can have their cases vetted prior to presenting them to the

      “Unmet Needs Table.


                      4.  Unmet Needs Committee:  Receives and acts on referrals from Case

                           Management Committee.  Consists of members and non-members bringing

                           money (cash financial support), materials (donations, equipment, supplies,

                           furniture, appliances, etc.), or muscle (volunteer labor crews and expertise) to

                           meet the needs of individuals who have been served by the case management



                      5.  Communications Committee:  Coordinates external outreach, press releases,

                           and messaging on behalf of the PCDRC. The committee is tasked with

                           coordinating unified talking points for the PCDRC. All communications must be

                           approved by the Executive Committee. 



ARTICLE 11   Nomination and Election of Officers


Nominations from the Board of Directors will be accepted each year.   Anyone can be nominated, but preference should be given to those who are familiar with the workings of the PCDRC and whom are actively engaged in the work of the PCDRC. The Executive Committee will appoint a five-person nominating committee to handle the nominations and present a slate of officers to the Board of Directors at its November or October quarterly meeting.  Officers shall take office at the next official meeting following the annual meeting.  Their term of office shall coincide with the PCDRC annual meeting.


ARTICLE 12  General Provisions


Section 1.     Requesting Funds from Fiduciary Agent


                      All check request forms must be signed by two Executive Officers and presented to

                      the fiduciary agent for dispersion of PCDRC funds.  If an emergency or quick release

                      of funds is needed, a check request may be signed by one Executive Officer with an

                      email and phone call to the fiduciary agent from a second Executive Officer.

                      A copy of all checks dispersed, on behalf of the PCDRC by the fiscal agent, shall be

                      emailed to the PCDRC Treasurer for the records.


                      A credit card with a maximum limit of $200 may be requested for quick purchases

                      as deemed necessary by the Executive Officers.  All credit card receipts and invoices

                      shall be turned over to the fiduciary agent.  Copies of those receipts and invoices

                      shall be maintained by the PCDRC Treasurer.


Section 2.     Deposits


                      All funds of the PCDRC shall be deposited to the credit of the Pamlico County

                      Disaster Recovery Coalition in the FDIC insured bank chosen by the fiduciary agent. 

                      The fiduciary agent shall provide the PCDRC Treasurer with copies of all monetary

                      deposits to the account and a copy of all bank statements.


Section 3.    Calendar Year


                      The fiscal year of the PCDRC shall adhere to the calendar year.


Section 4.     Auditing of Financial Records


                      An annual audit of all finances of the PCDRC shall occur not less than once per

                      calendar year by an independent public accountant as engaged by the PCDRC fiscal

                      agent.  A copy of the audit shall be presented to the Board by the fiscal agent at the

                      next scheduled meeting and be filed in the Secretary's Record Book.


Section 5.     Financial Support for Disaster Survivors


 1.  Funds may be used immediately by the Treasurer with consent of one other

                Executive Officer via check request to the fiduciary agent to set up $20 - $40

                vouchers at the laundry mat for survivors to wash flooded clothing quickly after

                a disaster.


 2.  Funds may be requested by the Treasurer and one other Executive Officer via

                check request to the fiduciary agent to set up $200 vouchers, with preference to

                support Pamlico County businesses  for building materials when a case worker

               determines that amount will help complete a home repair or at least a room. 

               This a one-time disbursement per household.


 3.  A request for additional money above and beyond the $200 may be brought

      before the Board of Directors by the case worker in a closed meeting session on

      a case by case basis.


ARTICLE 13   Amendments


 Proposed Bylaws amendments presented by a Bylaws Committee must be distributed to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which they are to be considered and presented for adoption.

Any amendments to these bylaws must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the voting Board Members present at any scheduled meeting where it was announced thirty (30) days in advance that a vote on the amendments would occur.


ARTICLE 14   Completion of the Disaster Response by the PCDRC


In the event of completion of the disaster response by the PCDRC, at least one annual meeting shall be held. Disaster Training meetings shall be scheduled prior to hurricane season when possible or as deemed necessary to keep Board of Directors and volunteers knowledgeable on disaster preparedness for themselves, their communities, and how to perform  damage assessments and case management.  Volunteer contact lists, forms, and resource lists will be updated.


Once case workers determine that disaster survivors in Pamlico County have been helped as much as is possible from all funding sources available, any funds left in the PCDRC account shall be paid, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, to a nonprofit organization continuing rebuilding efforts in Pamlico County or a nonprofit organization that benefits a large number of county residents.



ARTICLE 15   Rules of Order


The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order will govern any rules of Parliamentary Procedure not covered by these Bylaws. 



APPROVED:  PCDRC Board of Directors


DATE APPROVED:  _________________________



SIGNATURES:   _________________________________________         DATE:  ______________

                            Chair, Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition



                            _________________________________________         DATE:  ______________

                    Vice-Chair, Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition



                            _________________________________________         DATE:  ______________

                    Treasurer, Pamlico County Disaster Recovery Coalition